
Join our upcoming webinars with DevOps thought leaders to learn about developer self-service, Internal Developer Platforms, Kubernetes and more.

Upcoming webinars

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Past webinars

Open Office Hours
July 3, 2024
1 hour

Open Office Hours is a monthly webinar where we discuss the evolving landscape of cloud solutions and platform engineering. As always, we will be answering your in-depth questions about Massdriver, unraveling the complexities of cloud technologies, and exploring the latest trends in platform engineering. Tune in to deepen your understanding, engage with our experts, and be part of an insightful conversation that shapes the future of cloud computing.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Open Office Hours
June 5, 2024
1 hour

Open Office Hours is a monthly webinar where we discuss the evolving landscape of cloud solutions and platform engineering. As always, we will be answering your in-depth questions about Massdriver, unraveling the complexities of cloud technologies, and exploring the latest trends in platform engineering. Tune in to deepen your understanding, engage with our experts, and be part of an insightful conversation that shapes the future of cloud computing.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Writing Maintainable IaC: Use Case Specific OpenTofu / Terraform Modules
May 29, 2024
1 hour

Join us for a webinar on Use Case-Oriented Design for Terraform modules. We will teach you to write maintainable modules tailored to specific functional requirements. This design philosophy enhances usability and ensures that each module performs optimally within its intended environment.

Key Topics:

Minimal Interfaces: Learn how to design modules with a minimalistic approach, focusing on exposing only necessary variables that directly relate to the module's functionality. This reduces complexity and makes the modules more intuitive.

Hard-Coded Values: We will explore the strategic use of hard-coded values within modules to promote consistency and reliability across deployments, reducing the potential for errors.

Guard Rails: Discover how to implement guard rails in your Terraform modules to prevent misconfigurations and ensure that users operate within predefined operational parameters.

Enums/Options vs. Any String Input: Understand the importance of using enums or predefined options instead of arbitrary string inputs to restrict user choices to valid and tested configurations, thus enhancing module robustness.

Validations: We will cover incorporating validations within your Terraform modules to check for correct input values before deployment, ensuring that configurations meet the required criteria.

Presets (Prod, Dev): Learn about splitting operational configurations (Ops) from development configurations (Dev) to address different concerns efficiently. This approach allows for seamless transitions between development and production environments by using presets tailored for each.

Structured Output: Gain insights into the best practices for structuring outputs from Terraform modules. We will discuss how defining clear output "types" can aid in the predictability and reusability of modules across different projects.

This webinar is designed for infrastructure engineers, DevOps professionals, and anyone interested in optimizing their use of Terraform for infrastructure management. Whether you are looking to refine your existing Terraform modules or build new ones from scratch with best practices in mind, this webinar will provide valuable guidance and practical tips. Join us to enhance your skills and ensure your infrastructure is both robust and easily manageable.

Cory O'Daniel
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Running KubeVirt on AWS EKS
May 22, 2024
1 hour

Kubernetes is a powerful workload orchestrator. But what if you have workloads that operate better in VM's instead of containers? KubeVirt extends the Kubernetes API, allowing it to not only schedule containers, but also schedule VM workloads. In this webinar, we'll configure an AWS EKS cluster to run KubeVirt and schedule VMs on bare metal nodes, alongside containers on traditional EC2 instances.

Chris Hill
COO, Co-Founder
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Generating OpenTofu / Terraform from Existing Cloud Resources
May 15, 2024
1 hour

This webinar is designed for developers, cloud architects, and IT professionals interested in automating and optimizing their cloud resource management. This session will introduce participants to OpenTofu, the open-source Terraform fork, and Terraformer, a tool that enables users to generate infrastructure as code (IaC) representations from their existing cloud resources across multiple platforms.

Throughout this webinar, attendees will:

  • Discover OpenTofu: Learn about the capabilities and features of OpenTofu, including its compatibility with existing Terraform codebases.
  • Streamline Cloud Management: Understand how OpenTofu can simplify cloud resource management, making it easier to track, modify, and replicate environments across different projects or organizations.
  • Hands-on Demonstrations: Participate in live demonstrations showcasing how to use OpenTofu and Terraformer to generate IaC from real-world cloud setups.
  • Best Practices: Gain insights into best practices for utilizing OpenTofu in your workflows, including tips for maintaining code quality, managing changes, and integrating with CI/CD pipelines.
  • Q&A Session: Have your questions answered by OpenTofu experts, allowing for deeper understanding and clarification on how to best leverage the tool in your specific context.

This webinar is ideal for anyone looking to enhance their cloud infrastructure management through the power of automation and IaC. Whether you're new to IaC concepts or looking to refine your existing strategies, This webinar will provide valuable knowledge and skills to take your cloud automation to the next level.

Cory O'Daniel
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Airlock: Massdriver's New Open-Source Project
May 8, 2024
1 hour

Join us as we showcase Massdriver's newest open source project: Airlock. With Airlock you can standardize the interface to your infrastructure-as-code around JSON schema, giving you rich validation, easy-to-use graphical interfaces, and interoperability between tools.

Chris Hill
COO, Co-Founder
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How to enable API endpoints with Massdriver apps
April 24, 2024
1 hour

Unlock the potential of your microservice architecture with insights on exposing private and public API endpoints in Massdriver. Discover how these strategies can enhance your service communication and elevate your infrastructure's capabilities.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Scripting with Massdriver
February 21, 2024
1 hour

Join our webinar to explore the capabilities of the Mass CLI tool, essential for operations teams seeking to enhance efficiency through advanced automation. Discover how to patch configurations across multiple applications simultaneously, run mutations in Massdriver's GraphQL, and integrate the Mass CLI's automation capabilities into your CI/CD pipelines with GitHub Actions. This session is a must-attend for those looking to leverage Massdriver's robust tooling for more streamlined and effective operational workflows.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Open Office Hours
February 7, 2024
1 hour

Join us for episode 2 of 'Open Office Hours' at Massdriver where we continue our journey into the evolving landscape of cloud solutions and platform engineering. As always, we will be answering your in-depth questions about Massdriver, unraveling the complexities of cloud technologies, and exploring the latest trends in platform engineering. Tune in to deepen your understanding, engage with our experts, and be part of an insightful conversation about the future of cloud computing. All skill levels welcome!

Cory O'Daniel
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Observability in Kubernetes using Prometheus
January 31, 2024
1 hour

Dive into the world of Kubernetes observability as we showcase configuring Prometheus for comprehensive monitoring of Kubernetes clusters, focusing on vital metrics like CPU, memory, and detailed pod and container statistics. Gain expertise in utilizing Grafana's powerful visualization tools to transform complex data into clear, actionable insights. Join us to enhance your DevOps toolkit, ensuring you stay at the forefront of Kubernetes management and optimization.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Observability in Kubernetes using Jaeger
January 24, 2024
1 hour

Discover the power of OpenTelemetry tracing in Kubernetes. We'll be deploying Jaeger as a distributed tracing backend alongside an example application from which we will collect traces, and then debug our application. This webinar is beginner-friendly and requires only a basic understanding of common Kubernetes terms.

Andreas Kasprzok
Lead Platform Engineer
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Debugging applications in Kubernetes
January 17, 2024
1 hour

CrashLoopBackOff, OOMKilled, Pod Pending, Readiness check failed, PC Load Letter. What the **** does that mean? In this webinar, we'll look at how Kubernetes pods are scheduled, how they can fail, and how to troubleshoot the failures. Come join us and learn how you can start running your applications on the powerful Kubernetes container orchestrator.

Chris Hill
COO, Co-Founder
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Scaling Ops: Embracing platform engineering’s potential
January 10, 2024
1 hour

As an operations professional, you may feel outnumbered. Developers need infrastructure and automation, and the security team, legal team, and even your CFO have requirements on top of that. Platform engineering is a practice that seeks to encode all of the non-negotiables while allowing self-service to developers. This involves abstracting security requirements, providing access to the tools to scale, developing alarms and backups out of the box, allowing for cost restrictions and monitoring, and other strategies to help your organization innovate efficiently. In this webinar, we'll explore strategies to build software around your existing automation to provide both developers and stakeholders with an experience that meets their needs.

Dave Williams
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Open Office Hours
January 3, 2024
1 hour

Join us for our inaugural episode of 'Open Office Hours', where we'll be answering your questions about Massdriver, cloud solutions, and platform engineering. Additionally, we'll recap the notable moments from 2023 and discuss what's got us excited in the year ahead.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Test driven development with OpenTelemetry
December 20, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn how to use OpenTelemetry in your development process to help you get a better understanding of your production systems. New to OpenTelemetry? No experience with OpenTelemetry? This webinar will be newbie-friendly! Make sure to join!

Cory O'Daniel
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AI Made Simple: Deploying Stable Diffusion with Massdriver and SageMaker
November 22, 2023
1 hour

AI is not just a buzzword—it's a revolution, and the power lies in bringing it to life. In this webinar, we're showcasing the real-world deployment of Stable Diffusion text-to-image models using Massdriver. Experience firsthand the simplicity of launching a SageMaker Studio for pioneering AI research and setting up an Inference Endpoint for user engagement all without the intricacies of AWS infrastructure. Massdriver's user-friendly interfaces are your ticket to deploying AI models like Stable Diffusion with the ease of a few clicks.

Nic Benton
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Writing Maintainable Infrastructure as Code
November 15, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar you'll learn to design infrastructure-as-code modules that are maintainable and extensible. I’ll also cover why IaC registry modules are problematic and why your team should consider writing their own. The talk will use OpenTofu/Terraform to illustrate but applies to other IaC tools like Pulumi and Crossplane.

Cory O'Daniel
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Zero Down Time Deployments in Kubernetes
November 8, 2023
1 hour

If you've run web based applications in Kubernetes, you (or your users) may have noticed a spike in errors and 503's when rolling out new versions of your application. In this webinar, we'll look at some of the strategies you can use to rollout application changes with 0 downtime. There will be a workshop portion where we will take an example application which is having 503's during rollouts and use the strategies discussed in the webinar to eliminate them and achieve 0 downtime rollouts.

Chris Hill
COO, Co-Founder
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Massdriver Feature Showcase: Bundle Building
November 1, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn to take Terraform modules and publish them to the Massdriver Package Registry. You'll learn how to use dynamic configuration, principle of least privilege IAM, and infrastructure monitoring.

Nic Benton
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Massdriver Feature Showcase: Environmental Parity
October 25, 2023
1 hour

Learn how our environmental parity capability allows for the seamless replication and synchronization of your architectural resources across different environments within the same project, ensuring consistency without altering the scale. Don't miss the chance to discover how Environmental Parity can revolutionize your cloud management and optimize your workflows.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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AKS Made Easy on Massdriver
October 11, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, discover how Massdriver simplifies the deployment and management of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), making it easy for organizations to harness the power of container orchestration and streamline their cloud-native applications. Learn how Massdriver eliminates the complexity of managing Kubernetes, enabling you to effortlessly optimize your infrastructure for enhanced scalability and efficiency, all while simplifying your cloud-native application management.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Best Practices for Containerizing Web Apps with Docker
October 4, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar you'll learn to dockerize a web application and discover how to efficiently utilize containerization, streamline application deployment, and optimize resource utilization through practical demonstrations and expert insights. Gain a comprehensive understanding of Docker fundamentals and learn valuable tips and tricks to enhance your development workflow and maximize the benefits of containerization technology.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Debugging Applications in Kubernetes
September 27, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, we'll look at how Kubernetes pods are scheduled, how they can fail, and how to troubleshoot the failures. Come join us and learn how you can start running your applications on the powerful Kubernetes container orchestrator.

Chris Hill
COO, Co-Founder
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Best Practices for Containerizing Web Apps with Docker
September 20, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar you'll learn to dockerize a web application and discover how to efficiently utilize containerization, streamline application deployment, and optimize resource utilization through practical demonstrations and expert insights. Gain a comprehensive understanding of Docker fundamentals and learn valuable tips and tricks to enhance your development workflow and maximize the benefits of containerization technology.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Load Testing with Grafana K6
September 13, 2023
1 hour

Being caught off guard by traffic to your application can ruin your day or worse your night. Learn to get ahead of your success and leverage load testing to scale your applications.

Dave Williams
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Upgrading PostgreSQL Versions with Minimal Downtime
September 6, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, we'll dive into practical strategies, best practices, and useful tools that will help you seamlessly upgrade your PostgreSQL database version or migrate to a database provider with little to no downtime. Whether you're a database administrator, developer, or IT professional, this webinar is designed to equip you with valuable insights and skills to successfully navigate the upgrade process and enhance your database management expertise.

Cory O'Daniel
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Debugging Applications in Kubernetes
August 30, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, we'll look at how Kubernetes pods are scheduled, how they can fail, and how to troubleshoot the failures. Come join us and learn how you can start running your applications on the powerful Kubernetes container orchestrator.

Chris Hill
COO, Co-Founder
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Running Azure OpenAI with Massdriver
August 23, 2023
1 hour

In this tutorial you'll learn how to build a best-practice infrastructure bundle for running OpenAI on Azure with alarms, secrets management, and parity out-of-the-box. We'll fine-tune OpenAI and run a demo application to use its API.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Deploying 3-tier Web Applications on Kubernetes with Massdriver
August 16, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar you’ll learn to push docker images to the Azure Container Registry (ACR) and deploy applications to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) using Massdriver. We’ll discuss the best-practices, security, and compliance of various cloud resources deployed during the webinar.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Massdriver Feature Showcase: Diffing Environments & Deployments
August 2, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn how to lower mean time to resolution with visual change history diffing and how to quickly spot configuration differences across regions and environments cutting your debugging time in half.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Massdriver Feature Showcase: Bundle Building
July 26, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn to take Terraform modules and publish them to the Massdriver Package Registry. You'll learn how to use dynamic configuration, principle of least privilege IAM, and infrastructure monitoring.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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Best Practices for Containerizing Web Apps with Docker
July 19, 2023
1 hour

In this webinar, you'll learn to dockerize a web application and discover how to efficiently utilize containerization, streamline application deployment, and optimize resource utilization through practical demonstrations and expert insights. Gain a comprehensive understanding of Docker fundamentals and learn valuable tips and tricks to enhance your development workflow and maximize the benefits of containerization technology.

Michael Lacore
Cloud Solutions Architect
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